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 Application to CorM

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PostSubject: Application to CorM   Application to CorM I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 6:43 am

In-game name : DoomsDarkness

Player id number: A.164733

Number of bases : 12

technology level: 119979

Fleet number: 160550

Experience level: 1642/1717

Economy: 1275

your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A5

your level : 25

The last guild you were or still at : Rebels Academy

Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers: Only RA

do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): None

why do you want to join CoRM: I want to Join CorM because I want to learn from the best, I want to join a Guild that when threatend stands strong and unwavering. I want to Join a Guild that will be my home for the rest of the time in AE which will be for a vey long time to come.

Tell us about your self: I am a small business owner and Univercity student. I live in the USA, in the country. I have a wife and three girls. I love playing AE and other mass player games, I hunt, fish, hike, enjoy martail Arts and making friends onlone all over the world. I have been playing AE for 36 days and am currently a captain in the RA organization.

I was advised by Freelandr to send in my application. I am currently in RA, but can leave there without incident. If accepted I would like to request a few days transition from RA, Thank you for your consideration.


your application will be reviewed by the guild recruiter and you will get an answer very soon .(in less than 24 hours in most cases )
Once a CoRM , Always a CoRM

Hail CoRM

Take from them every thing , Give them nothing
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Posts : 25
Join date : 2008-10-08
Location : Western Australia

Application to CorM Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to CorM   Application to CorM I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 4:37 pm

Application Received and Finalised
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