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 Application to CORM

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(REV) Cu

Application to CORM Empty
PostSubject: Application to CORM   Application to CORM I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 8:48 am

In-game name : (REV) Cubs
Player id number: 161700
Number of bases : 12
technology level: 1070433
Fleet number: 229775
Experience level: 40707
Economy: 2100
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A69
your level : 35.06
The last guild you were or still at : [GDI] Global Defense Initiative
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers: alpha= ABD, REV, GDI. Beta= Aslan, BOF. Ceti= oompa-loompa, Smurf. Delta= 100 years war. Epsilon= Anti-, BOW, POV, FATE, TMH. Fenix= FF, GHF.
do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): none
why do you want to join CoRM: my brother and his friend are in corm.
Tell us about your self: i play AE a lot and am a quick learner if i have a pretty good teacher, and i love the game. i dont really know what else to say other than i would be delighted to get in and learn more on the game. lol, i am very talkative.

thanks, (REV) Cubs
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