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 1S1K APP To Join CoRM AE

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-03-13
Age : 37

1S1K APP To Join CoRM AE Empty
PostSubject: 1S1K APP To Join CoRM AE   1S1K APP To Join CoRM AE I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 11:43 pm

Hi I would like to apply for myself and a friend

In-game name : 1S1K_Cutthroat
Player id number: 170950
Number of bases : 13
technology level: 1,128,966
Fleet number: 987,000
Experience level: 44,323
Economy: 2,756
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A73 with JG at A72, A73, and A74
your level : 39.33
The last guild you were or still at : GDI
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers: GDI
do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): none
why do you want to join CoRM: I have been in contact with Raven for some time. He has only good thing to say about CoRM and are our protectors in GDI. CoRM is highly respected and honored in my eyes, and would like to be part of a guild with such high qualities.
Tell us about your self: Unversity student in CA trying to survive. Both me and kolohe are part of a gaming guild- 1S1K. We play all sorts of games- BF2, COD4, CA, Forged Alliance, command and conquer, just to name a few.

In-game name : 1S1K_KOLOHE
Player id number: 171442
Number of bases : 12
technology level: 642,018
Fleet number: 409,520
Experience level: 20,399
Economy: 2084
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A74
your level : 33.5
The last guild you were or still at : GDI
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers: GDI
do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): None
why do you want to join CoRM: same as Cutthroat
Tell us about your self: 1S1K gamer. Currently in WA
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1S1K APP To Join CoRM AE
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