In-game name : The Watcher
Player id number: A.63469
Number of bases :16
technology level:2457677
Fleet number:20
Experience level:657863
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A20
your level : 59.59
The last guild you were or still at : Rightnow I'm apart of Lost Souls
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers: The Brotherhood, Devine Military Co. RAGEX and CLS
do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): I dont have anything
why do you want to join CoRM: From what I've heard about CoRM they seem to have excellent leadership and always work as a team. That's something i've been looking for ever since I started playing this game, and have yet to find it.
Tell us about your self: In real life I am in the Marine Corps, so I know all about the chain of command and following orders. I'm an expert at tactical operations, based on my history of being in Iraq and such.