In-game name : Einkil
Player id number: A.38002
Number of bases : 16
technology level: 3980170
Fleet number: 6664445
Experience level: 2651994
Economy: 3001
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ): A33 and A04
your level : 57,56
The last guild you were or still at : TSE - The Spartan Empire
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers:
Alpha: Mordor, 7th, Odd, AEGIS
Beta: CMD/ASG, Omega, Legion of Omega, AA (currently)
do you have any issues still not solved (i.e KOS ): Not that I know of
why do you want to join CoRM: Because I believe they can take me to the next level. And because I think it'll further my understanding of the game.
Tell us about your self:
Name: Mads
Location: Denmark
Occupation: Studying my ass off
Interest: Debates, politics, history, RP, books, friends, histroy reenactment.
Dislikes: Fanatics