In-game name - Iyeman
Player id number - A.59895
Number of bases - 16
technology level - 6495058
Fleet number - 5413665 and climbing
Experience level - 959607
Economy - 6336
your base concentration (what galaxy you have your most bases in ) A49 and A05
your level - 59.51
The last guild you were or still at Min and before that NPO
Guilds that you have been in alpha and other servers . Min, NPO, WD, on delta im in MERC and was in horde way back when but been in MERC for quite some time.
Tell us about your self . - I play on 4 servers allthough alpha and delta are the only 2 i dont sim in...beta and ceti im trying to see how much i can research lol. Im in IT and so am online almost all day at work when i dont have something to do. And i was just kicked out of MIN because n00bish accused me of "hacking" his combat calculator. then stalked me over to myspace and kicked me from the guild lol so looking for a new place to call home that hopefully doesnt have crazy people like that....there is a good crazy and a bad crazy
I liked the way yall fought in the last war so figured i give you a try first.