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 Just a few things...

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Gladius Angelorum
Gladius Angelorum

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PostSubject: Just a few things...   Just a few things... I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 08, 2008 8:17 am

A few things about base requirements...

by this point I think that 15 prings should by the minimum for bases. this late in the game 10 prings doesn't discourage most anyone....

and when other members have to go out of their way to help those with poor defenses they put themselves at risk and thus all of CoRM.

just a thought Smile
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Gladius Angelorum
Gladius Angelorum

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PostSubject: Re: Just a few things...   Just a few things... I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 08, 2008 8:22 am

when you quote something it needs to be in a box, not just bold texted....
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PostSubject: Re: Just a few things...   Just a few things... I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 09, 2008 1:57 am

Something I've noticed about building Prings that I thought I should bring up as well...

When to start building them. I've seen enough times the excuse of "I have a ring in build, so it's not my fault I got attacked with no prings on my base!"

If the base has 150+ eco, and 4 trade routes... then yes it is. I wouldn't even consider building a single spaceport or eco center before having at least one level of rings up, and that should become a guild standard. If you build eco before defence on ANY base, your just asking to get attacked. Leave the trade routes at 0 until you have a Pring up.
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PostSubject: Re: Just a few things...   Just a few things... I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 09, 2008 9:18 am

I'm agree with these suggestions.

The minimal Pring became 3(15) in most of player's bases. So we can encourage to have that.

I try to build my new bases in rocky moon or asteroid in pos 1 or 2. (searching for good spots ! )
If you have develop a few cybernetics (primary research in the game ! ) you can develop a base very fast, and build the first Pring easily (they are cheaper in moon or asteroids).
As well as the Eco is about 100 cred -> 1 Pring
and when it's about 150 cred -> 2 Pring.
Of course, a first minimal CC 10 (to begin) is heavily recommanded !
But it's just my idea Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Just a few things...   Just a few things... I_icon_minitime

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